
CRAFT32DENTALCARE https://www.craft32dental.com

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Orthodontic treatment involves correcting malocclusion, which is the misalignment of a bite or incorrect spacing between teeth. It is helpful to make straightening or moving teeth, to develop the appearance of the teeth. It can also help to look after the long-term health benefits of your teeth, gums and jaw joints, by spreading the biting pressure over all your teeth. Orthodontics Straighter teeth give you more than a great smile, It help to reduce your risk for tooth decay and gum disease. If left untreated by a dentist, tooth decay and gum disease can cause mouth sores, tender or bleeding gums, bad breath and possible tooth loss. Orthodontic treatment with Invisalign can assist with straight teeth, helping you to avoid problems such as an improper bite, difficulty speaking or chewing, and jaw problems.

Root Canal Treatment is the procedure done to preserve the infected tooth. This procedure involves removing the damaged or infected pulp, treating any infection and filling the empty canals. Root Canal Treatment procedure is started by drilling the enamel part of the tooth, that is topmost portion of the tooth. First the Dentist enters the pulp chamber, where the infected pulp is present. The next step is exploration of root canal, removal of the remaining pulp tissue and infected tissue. The infected pulp is then drilled out with the help of long needle shaped drills called files, Remears, K-flex, Headstroem ( H-files), etc.

Preventive dental care can help each member of your family maintain a beautiful, healthy smile by safeguarding against oral diseases, like dental decay, gum disease, or periodontal disease. Our goal is to prevent these diseases from happening in the first place or to catch the problems in their early stages when they are easier and less expensive to treat. We approach to preventive dental care includes routine gentle dental cleanings and checkups as well as education and advice that can help every member of your family practice good oral hygiene at home. We recommend routine preventive dental care visits two times a year. Each routine visit includes a comprehensive cleaning and oral examination. We will screen for decay, gum disease, periodontal disease, oral cancer, TMJ, and problems with your bite.

Meet Our Doctor

Dr. A. Arul Pradeep

Orthodontist and Cosmetic Dentist


Dr. A. Arul Pradeep, a highly skilled orthodontist with an MDS degree, boasts over 15 years of dentistry experience. His practice reflects a strong commitment to ethics and professionalism, ensuring high-quality treatments. Specializing in Braces, Aligners, Invisalign, and advanced root canal treatments, Dr. Arul Pradeep also excels in cosmetic dentistry, including ceramic veneers and smile designing. He meticulously uses magnification loupes for precision. Driven by a commitment to perfection, his compassionate approach has earned him trust and recognition in the field, leaving a positive impact on his patients' lives and smiles.


Feeling great. My teeth problem solved completely.. Thanks


Nice Location, Well equipped clinic, Doctor is kind and having very good experience.


Latest Update

The post and core procedure is a dental restoration technique used when there is insufficient tooth structure remaining to support a crown in teeth that have undergone trauma, decay, or fracture that left them structurally weak. The post and core serve as a foundation for the crown.• Before a post and core procedure, the tooth must undergo a root canal, where the infected or damaged pulp is removed.• After the root canal, a post is placed into the prepared root canal space. This

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